
Home Inspection

Home Inspection is defined as the process by which a home inspector observes and provides a written report of the systems and components of a residential building including but not limited to:

  • Heating System
  • Cooling System
  • Plumbing System
  • Electrical System

Structural Components - foundation, roof masonry structure, exterior and interior components or any other related residential building component recommended by the Home Inspection Council and implemented by the Department of State through the regulatory process.

For a complete breakdown about home inspections, and other laws regarding home inspections from New York State, click here.


Hollander Home Inspections, LLC
Hollander Home Inspections, LLC

Radon Testing

Radon is widely believed to be the second leading cause of lung cancer. Therefore, the EPA and the Surgeon General recommend testing for radon in all homes.

Radon has been found in homes all over the United States. Any home can have a radon problem. On average, one out of every fifteen U.S. homes have a problem. The only way to know whether or not your home has a radon problem is to test for it.

For more information about radon testing, click here.


Water Purity Testing

Water purity testing can be provided for your home to ensure you that your loved one's water supply is at a safe level.


For more information about wether you should have your home tested, click here.


Hollander Home Inspections, LLC
Hollander Home Inspections, LLC

SePtic Dye Testing

Septic Dye Testing is a non-invasive procedure sometimes used to determine the condition of the components of a home's waste system. A septic dye test can expose obvious leaks and inadequacies in the system and indicate the need for repairs or alterations. It involves the introduction of a fluorescent dye into the septic system, which is "traced" to ascertain that the septic system can handle the volume of waste that is currently being put through it. 


For more information about septic dye testing, please click here.


Water Flow Testing

Let's say that you're buying a home for your family of 5. The home has been occupied by a single person for the past 15 years, and the owner states that he has never had an issue with the water supply. That may be true, but one person uses much less water than a family of 5 would.

   Most people underestimate the volume of water needed for a household. Showers, dishwashers, drinking water, cooking, laundry, and bathroom facilities all add up to a staggering amount of water usage. The average person uses 80-100 gallons of water per day. Multiply that by your family of 5, and your daily water usage could exceed 500 gallons per day. Beginning to see the need for water flow testing?


For more information about water flow testing, click here.



Hollander Home Inspections, LLC
Hollander Home Inspections, LLC

Other Testing

Hollander Home Inspections, LLC uses a variety of tools to test your home for safety issues or deficencies so you can have a better understanding of what to expect from your new home. The home inspector will use tools such as an infared thermometer to see leaks in your thermal envelope (and help save on your heating bill), and outlet testing to be sure your home isn't at risk for an electrical fire. You will be taken care of with all the best resources available.Replace this text with information about you and your business or add information that will be useful for your customers.